Dr. Stewart is the leading TMJ care and TMD treatment specialist providing comprehensive, unparalleled care for patients throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, the state of Texas, and nationally. Located in Flower Mound, Texas, Dr. Stewart has been creating custom TMD solutions for 20 years. Dr. Stewart has a personal interest in helping patients who suffer from TMJ-related pain. As a student in dental school, he underwent an orthodontic procedure that damaged his bite. This one injury eventually caused severe headaches, jaw pain and problems chewing. As he sought treatment from different TMJ professionals, he became interested in the causes of TMJ dysfunction and the best way to restore patients’ chewing systems to normal function. He has pursued thousands of hours of advanced training focused on the proper diagnosis and treatment of TMJ. His experience has transformed his practice focus on the airway and chewing system as the core of the patient’s dental health and his emphasis on protecting and restoring this system as the main goal of each patient’s treatment.
What Is TMJ?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a small joint located in front of each ear where the skull and lower jaw meet. This joint allows the jaw to move and function. TMJ disorder (TMJD, also known as TMJ dysfunction or TMJ syndrome) is an umbrella term that covers any number of causes of acute and/or chronic pain related to the opening and closing of the jaw. TMJ disorder may be caused by arthritis, bruxism (teeth grinding), trauma, misalignment of the patient’s bite, displacement of the disk that is located between the jawbone and the socket, or many other issues. Many TMJ issues are related to Sleep Disordered Breathing as well.
TMD Treatment Plan
Dr. Stewart is honored to provide leading treatment options for our patients. We customize every treatment plan for each patient to treat each underlying cause. The first phase of TMD treatment requires using a temporary device known as an orthotic. An orthotic effectively pacifies facial pain and muscles spasms while stabilizing, and centering, the TMJ and other working components. Your muscles will be happy and you will be free of pain, your bite will then be corrected with Invisalign, traditional orthodontics, restorative dentistry, or a combination of the three.
Learn more here.