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When looking for bottles that promote optimal feeding and proper latch you want to pay attention to the NIPPLE and if it’s going to encourage a deep tissue-like latch vs a shallow nipple-only latch. Don’t be fooled by all theRead More
When we are looking at the optimal pacifier shape for a baby we want to find one that closely mimics the breast/nipple, and does not remain in the mouth without active tongue activity and suction. Options like the Ninni andRead More
The cup you choose for your child is a simple, affordable way to promote proper oral skills and development. Non-Valved Straw Cups Valved straws promote more of a suckling motion than sipping which is needed to help develop a matureRead More
Snoring is a serious condition It is an airway restriction, preventing adequate oxygen, and disrupting the normal sleep cycle. In a chronic situation, this can lead to serious health consequences. If you or a loved one chronically snores, I wouldRead More
Myofunctional Therapy Myo therapy can make such a difference in the outcome of the release that it is a requirement at our practice. There is a proper way for the tongue and lips to function. When you have a tongueRead More
When a child (or adult) is not breathing properly, and therefore not sleeping properly, this puts their body in a constant state of sleep deprivation. Their brain must over-stimulate their body in order to stay awake, leading to hyperactivity symptoms. Many ADHDRead More
Ever since the Industrial Revolution people, especially children, aren’t chewing the way they use to. With the development of soft baby foods, pouches, chicken nuggets, puffs, yogurt melts, etc., we are seeing a weakening of children’s tongues and jawbones. SoftRead More
Red Light vs Blue Light The light receptors in the eyes that affect the circadian rhythm are especially sensitive to blue light. Blue light suppresses melatonin and causes the body to maintain alertness. If you are regularly viewing blue lightRead More
Choose a Fluoride-Free Toothpaste. Why? Too much fluoride can contribute to bone health issues and thyroid dysfunction. Studies have also indicated that chronic fluoride exposure could have long-term neurotoxic effects on children including “decreased intelligence and increased prevalence of ADHD”Read More
Written by Alex Kelly The Importance of Nasal Breathing Our nose is designed to prepare the air for the lungs. The nose warms, filters, accelerates, humidifies, and cleans the air, which leads to efficient oxygen exchange in the lungs. TheRead More