A tongue tie is simply tethered oral tissues (frenulum). While everyone has a frenulum, some are unusually short, thick, and/or tight which can result in many health risks if left untreated.
Including: Allergies, Enlarged tonsils/adenoids, Heart conditions, Respiratory illnesses, Dental problems, Low resting tongue positions, Sleep Disordered Breathing, and Mouth breathing.
Tongue ties cause the development of a high, narrow roof of mouth, with the nasal area following suit causing airway restrictions and mouth breathing.
The earlier a tongue tie is identified and treated the better. In infants, tongue ties can results in feeding issues and overall face, mouth, and airway development. If a tongue tie is detected, a frenectomy can be done right here in the office to release the tie. It is a relatively simple outpatient procedure.
Watch this video by The Breathe Institute for more information on tongue ties and the frenectomy process.