Have you ever heard the phrase, “Smile, it confuses people?” It is true, most people are not used to smiling and get suspicious whenever someone is always in a good mood. But there are many benefits to smiling and here are several reasons why.
Smiling affects our feelings
When someone is upset, you can usually tell by a long face or frown. However, if one artificially make a frown, it can change their mood for the worse. The same thing also works for smiling. If you’re in a goodmood, you usually smile. But if you start smiling regardless of your feelings, you will get in a better mood. It can really help if you’re having a bad day.
Smiling makes you look appealing to others
Everybody wants to be near others who is good-natured or approachable, and that is assumed when a person is smiling and appears to be in a good mood. If you see someone who seems to be in a bad mood with an angry look, you usually avoid a person like that for safety reasons or other. Most of us usually avoid fights if we can. We are social creatures by default and a smiling person usually has good news to share.
Smiling can be good for your health
Did you know that smiling can have a direct effect on your blood pressure? How can this be? Well, the rising of blood pressure has been connected in some cases with stress. As already stated, smiling can lift a mood, which drives down stress and blood pressure. However, smiling all the time will not take the place of medication. Always listen to your doctor.
Smiling will affect your mood and the mood of others
Acting in a hostile mood will have others hostile towards you. Yawning in public will have others yawning as well. A hearty, long laugh will have others chuckling and wonder what’s so funny. The same works with smiles. If you smile a lot, others will feel better and smile as well. It’s natural to connect with others through feelings, and smiling while being in a lighthearted mood will have others feel the same way.
Smiling can make you feel good along with others. People want to be with those that are accessible and friendly. A smile can make you feel good mentally, physically and socially, so take the time to get into this habit, which will improve your life.