Red Light vs Blue Light The light receptors in the eyes that affect the circadian rhythm are especially sensitive to blue light. Blue light suppresses melatonin and causes the body to maintain alertness. If you are regularly viewing blue light at night your body will be convinced that it isRead More
Choose a Fluoride-Free Toothpaste. Why? Too much fluoride can contribute to bone health issues and thyroid dysfunction. Studies have also indicated that chronic fluoride exposure could have long-term neurotoxic effects on children including “decreased intelligence and increased prevalence of ADHD” (1). Dr. Philippe Grandjean, professor of environmental health at HarvardRead More
Written by Alex Kelly The Importance of Nasal Breathing Our nose is designed to prepare the air for the lungs. The nose warms, filters, accelerates, humidifies, and cleans the air, which leads to efficient oxygen exchange in the lungs. The mouth does none of this, and actually reduces oxygen absorptionRead More
Does Your Child Suffer from Any of the These Problems? ADD/ADHD Bed Wetting Delayed Speech Overweight/Obesity Learning Difficulties Vertigo/Clumsiness Restless Legs Aggression/Defiance Teeth Grinding Snoring Mouth Breathing Noisy Breathing Daytime Sleepiness Nightmares/Night Terrors Allergies/Asthma Anxiety Frequent Illness Stunted Growth Crooked Teeth Swollen Tonsils/Adenoids Forward Head Posture Recessed/Stunted Chin Dark CirclesRead More
~by Alex Kelly~ There was a recent episode of The Daily podcast talking about, and referring to, The NY Times’ article “Inside the Booming Business of Cutting Babie’s Tongues.” They discuss dentists and lactation consultants across the country pushing tongue-tie releases (specifically on new mothers who are struggling to breastfeed),Read More
by: Alex Kelly and Dr. Hal Stewart ADHD in children is being diagnosed (and misdiagnosed) at an alarmingly increasing rate. Many of these diagnosis’ are stemming from other underlying problems. We see this in our practice often. There are many factors to consider when a child is diagnosed, theRead More
by: Alex Kelly and Dr. Hal Stewart Snoring is a sign and symptom of a sleep related breathing disorder. Ideally, you should be breathing quietly and through the nose with an open airway when sleeping, and throughout the day as well.. Snoring means an airway obstruction. This obstruction causes youRead More
It’s very common to hear about “healthy bacteria” when it comes to our gut health. But did you know that we also have healthy bacteria in our mouths, which plays a large role in our overall health? Many mainstream mouth rinses like Listerine and Scope destroy the healthy microbiome inRead More
In 1998, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three American scientists for their discoveries on Nitric Oxide as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system (1). Nitric oxide is naturally made in the human body but as we age, we produce less of it. Over time, free radicalRead More
“Does your child have problems wetting the bed at night? Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) – or sleep apnea – could be playing a role. A recent study, conducted on 5-10 year olds, searched for the link between SDB and tonsil and adenoid swelling in children with enuresis (bedwetting). The study also examined what part natriureticRead More