When Bindia started pharmacy school in 2011, she began clenching a lot due to the stress. Her dentist put her in a night guard, that she ended up staying in for years. In 2017, two years after graduating, Bindia flew to Michigan where she had jaw surgery to fix herRead More
Lynn suffered from head, jaw, and neck pain. After moving from Houston, Lynn began BioRejuvenation treatment with me. However, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and everything stopped. After two years of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, Lynn called me and said she was ready to begin treatment again. SheRead More
Heather has been a patient of mine for years. She brought her son, Noah, in for me to evaluate. Noah was born with 14 missing permanent teeth and had been through two rounds of orthodontic treatment with less than ideal results. As you can imagine, having missing teeth is aRead More
Noah was born with 14 missing permanent teeth and had been through two rounds of orthodontic treatment with less than ideal results. As you can imagine, having missing teeth is a big deal for anyone, much less a young man starting his high school career! I treated Noah in aRead More
Donna had been experiencing TMJ problems and jaw popping since her early 20’s. She sought out a TMJ specialist who temporarily helped her, but over the years it began to worsen. By the time she saw me, she couldn’t even chew anymore. On Donna’s second visit we put her intoRead More
I wanted to share with you a quick story about a 17-year old patient I just saw. His mom brought him in for treatment about 9 months ago. He was suffering from behavioral issues at school, he wasn’t sleeping well, snored at night, and was always tired. We identified aRead More
Michael was concerned with the severe wear on all his teeth. He had been to several dentists all over the country to seek a solution. Treatment recommendations varied from full mouth crowns and several root canals, to having all of his teeth extracted and replaced with dentures or implants. TheseRead More
Noah was born with 14 missing permanent teeth and had been through two rounds of orthodontic treatment with less than ideal results. As you can imagine, having missing teeth is a big deal for anyone, much less a young man starting his high school career! I treated Noah in aRead More
Heather has been a patient of mine for several years now. She brought her son Noah in for me to evaluate. Noah was a freshman in high school and had been through two rounds of orthodontic treatment with less than ideal results. Noah was born with 14 missing permanent teethRead More