From 2017-2018 the prevalence of childhood obesity in the US was 19.3% - 14.4 million children and adolescents (1). I'm not against commercial candy by any means, and will admit I love myself a Reeses. But I do believe in a healthy balance, and trick or treat Halloween candy isRead More
It's the first day of fall, and the start of my favorite time of the year! Here are 5 ways to get in the spirit. nfjafjaadldjlakd Dish - Classic Chili with Sweet Potatoes Nothing says fall in Texas like some good 'ole chili. This Whole 30 recipe probably resembles yourRead More
Let's start 2021 with some fun! My Marketing Director sat Seana and me down for a fun game. We were given smiles of well-known celebrities, and had to guess the person based solely on their smile. See if you can guess the smile before we do!
It has been a challenging year for many. As we move into 2021, there are many simple things you can do daily to improve your physical and mental health. I can't wait to see you all in the new year!
Have you ever wondered how accurate dental scenes on television are? Seana and I sat down and watched some scenes from popular movies/tv shows and discussed the accuracies (and lots of inaccuracies!)
Happy December! Did you know that I work with my two daughters and sister on a daily basis? It is such a blessing! We made a video sharing our favorite parts about working with family.
My team and I are thankful for a lot this holiday season!